My Fave Workout
I haven't done a workout like this in a while because it's a sweaty one, I've been trying to pack on more muscle so stayed away from the conditioning side of training.
Sometimes you go to the gym and its rammed, loads of the equipment is taken, you fumble about not really doing much and leave. Sound familiar? (Well it will be in jan 😉) Or you workout at home and don't have a lot of stuff. Here it is my quick go to and you're guaranteed a pasting...
Get yourself a bar, I recommend on your first go not adding any weight so 20kg.
Set your timer 20 minutes...
1. Romanian deadlift x5
2. Bent over row x5
3. Clean x5
4. Front squat x5
5. Shoulder press x5
6. Back squat x5
Repeat as many times as you can in the 20 minutes, rest as little as possible to make it the worst experience possible 😂 only joking. It's only 20 minutes time flies when you're having fun and all that 🙌🏻